Sunday, April 29, 2007

I've been TAGGED!

It seems that I have been tagged by a couple of people( Lynda & Tanya), I have been a bit slack with getting them done. These are always a fun way of learning interesting things about everyone and sometimes yourself! So here goes!

Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!

1. When I was younger I really wanted to be an opera singer and sing in Andrew Lloyd Webber Musicals!

2. I love to garden, it is such good therapy! I don't have much room where we live now, but my dream one day is to have a huge garden with long lines of hedges and borders, like you would see on Maggie's Garden show. : )

3. My all time favourite flower is the Peony Rose, LOVE LOVE LOVE them!! Such a pity they have such a small season, but since our wedding I have found a grower who just grows these. I am in bliss when we go out there in November!

4. I love Vanilla Chai Lattes from Coffee Culture (a coffee store chain) here in Christchurch. I go to Coffee Culture to have one probably at least twice a week.

5. I like heaps of music, but my faves are Bic Runga's older albums, Katie Melua , James Blunt and U2.

6. I'm just a little bit addicted to "Diner Dash 3" at the moment, even thought I know it's a complete waste of time it's fun.

7. I'm a clean freak, well my friends think I am, I just like a tidy home! :) and don't mind cleaning.

8. I love being part of a great online community where all these fab gals share the PASSION and LOVE of scrapbooking!

Now who to tag, I think everyone seems to have been tagged .... Here goes :)
Sorry if you have already been tagged by someone, just ignore mine :) Look forward to reading all of your posts!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

A.N.Z.A.C Day

The cenotaph in Catherdral Sqaure this morning at the dawn service.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old.

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning.

We will remember them.

Monday, April 23, 2007

The Interview

Here's a wee game that I got off Hannah, thanks for coming up with 5 questions for me!

P.S I put the picture of the peonie rose on this blog just because I thought it was beautiful :)

1.To play leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.”
2. I will respond by emailing you 5 questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.Sound good?

Okay, so here are my answers to Hannah's questions:

1. What do you love most about married life?
Well not alot has changed for us now that we are married, felt like we have been for years already. But having someone you know will always be there in the good and bad times to support you and love you, also you have someone to share your life with which is the best!!!

2. What is your worst habit?
I wasn't sure what to put here so asked Craig, one of the things that annoys him about me is that I leave dirty dishes in the sink instead of putting them in the dishwasher or on draining tray. He then has to empty the sink before doing the dishes... hehe I just like a clear bench! hehe
If that's the worst he could come up with I'd say hes pretty lucky! :) hehe

3. Do you prefer to stay up late, or get up early?
I really don't like getting up early with a passion, I'm certainly a night owl. Not always so good when Craig is a morning person. I don't know how people are so chirpy that early :) hehe

4. If you could meet any famous person in the world, who would it be and why?
I'm not really a person who cares about famous people, but if I was able to meet someone famous I guess I would like to meet Jamie Oliver. I like his passion for life and the fact that he is happy to try and tackle big projects that others think are too hard.(Starting up fifteen & Britain's school lunches) He's not just a chef, I also love watching him cook!

5. Assuming money was no barrier, which country would you most like to visit?
I would LOVE to spend time in Italy, and explore there love of food. It looks so beautiful! At the end of the day though, New Zealand is pretty fantastic, so I don't feel hard done by living here :)

Friday, April 20, 2007


I just got an email to say that one of my layouts has been accepted for the Basicgrey gallery on their website. Yesterday I thought, why not give it a go and today I got the email... woohoo!
The layout they accepted is the "Coffee time with Mum" in my last post.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I've been having such a creative time!!

No blog entries for me lately, I have been busy creating! :) Thought it was about time that I upload my creations, so here goes...

I spent all day on both Monday and Tuesday with some friends creating all day long, it was so much fun. As well as layouts and some cards made, I also was able to work on to two altered projects. I haven't posted them yet as they are not complete.

A layout about Wednesday coffee's with Mum, loved using the BG Blush range, they went so nicely with the coffee colours.

I have slowly been completing pages about each family member, here is one about my Grandad. It will be followed by the ANZAC tribute pages I am doing for a monthly competition at S.E.

I took this lovely photo of my Mum and had to use it :) and she is a "Mum in a million!"

Just a simple layout, I love the pic of me, I've have been busy making denim flowers so this was a great layout to use some.

This is from our Easter picnic, and had to use it. Love the greens, green is defintly my colour of the moment!

Just a quick wee card I made using the lovely BG blush papers.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


When I went to upload this layout, I noticed a bit of a spelling error! Yup I spelled Dunedin wrong, I must have been having a dumb day!! I have tried to remove the letters but they are stuck firm! I really like the layout so I'm not going to try and change it, it will just be a future reminder to check and double check my spelling (no chance of getting Dunedin to change its name I guess :) hehe Here is the LO for you all to have a giggle over :) hehe

We had a fantastic Easter weekend, as I mentioned in my last post we started the weekend with a great family BBQ. I have already scrapped the page about it, record time for me! hehe
Saturday I spent shopping for scrapbook things and did a page. Sunday when we headed out for a bike ride, I got my first puncture, what are the odds after it only being my second bike ride!! hehe So we had to walk the bikes home, lucky we were on our way home when it happened so it wasn't to far to walk. Bike is all fixed now and ready to go again thanks to Craig.

I must say I am glad Easter is over, no more hot cross buns and Easter eggs to tempt me. hehe I'm not really a chocolate person, but I did discover pineapple lumps marshmallow eggs and they are yum! Just like giant pineapple lumps. :)

As for today ,I have been completely dull, I spent this morning pulling out the veges I had in the garden over summer and have planted a heap of pansy's and polyanthus. Then this afternoon I have cleaned the house and finished another page. I know it sounds funny, but there is much satisfaction to be found in having a lovely clean house and a nice neat garden! hehe Must get back to work on another layout.
I trust you all had a lovely relaxing Easter! :)

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Rainy Days

Seeing as it has been such a grotty day weather wise here is Christchurch, after a very nice sleep in and late breakfast I decided to spend the day scrapbooking. Well I spent most of my afternoon getting the pictures printed and then shopping for the paper and bits I needed. So I only managed to get this one LO completed, but I do love it! I have recently been cutting out my own felt flowers so just had to use them on a LO. It was rather time consuming! hehe I have ideas and supplies now for several LO's so will have to get creative on those too :)

Craig and I thought we would invest in some mountain bikes, and earlier in the week we decided on which ones to purchase. So yesterday we finally got a chance to venture further than the drive-way. I can't wait to get out riding again, it was so much fun! As yesterday was such lovely weather in contrast to today, we had a great day out on a family picnic. We had a BBQ lunch then played cricket all afternoon. It was loads of fun, but I am feeling a wee bit saw after it all.
Have a fantastic Easter break and eat way to many Easter eggs, or in my case hot cross buns!! hehe :) Catch ya soon.

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Thursday, April 5, 2007

Can't Sleep!!!

For some reason I can't sleep, so thought I would get up and potter on the computer. Good time to catch up on blogs :) It's ridiculous that I can't sleep really, as I have had a busy few days and at 6pm tonight, I was almost asleep standing.
Anyhow today was my Mum's birthday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUM!
I organised a surprise breakfast at her place with croissants etc, then my grandparents and I took her out to Pukeko Junction in Leithfield for lunch. For anyone who hasn't been there, it's a must! Yummy cake and wholesome food at good prices.
We finally got a nice picture of the both of us, my Mum prefers to be on the other side of the camera! This pic will definitely be turned into a layout or ten! hehe Talking of layouts, that's another reason I couldn't sleep. My ideas and journalling for the April challenge at S.E were whirling about in my head. It's a really special challenge where you honour those who served, ANZAC day is special to me and I can't wait to ask my Grandfather for some help. I now have the journalling down and will get the pics and memorabilia sorted asap.
Well I do have to get up early tomorrow so better hit the hay, will blog again soon :)

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