Tuesday, January 30, 2007

My Scrapbooking/Craft space

Over the past weeks everyone on Scrapbook essentials has been uploading pics of there scrapbooking areas, so I thought I better put mine up. I am very lucky to have a room that's all mine! Besides I'm sure I wouldn't fit anywhere else with all my stuff!
Recently I got my dad to build me some shelves for my desk (BIG THANKS DAD!!) and they are great.I wonder what I'll need next!
I love the way you can keep your scrapbooking things on display, like my ribbon jars. I LOVE ribbon and it's so inspiring to have it all there in front of me looking pretty. hehe
I must admit I did tidy up a bit before taking the photos, and have realized I could do with some sort of storage for under my desk. It is the area where everything gets dumped!
I am glad to get my space back, during the past year of wedding planning it was taken over with invites, favor boxes and wedding cakes, the wardrobe which is now tidy was full with my dress, veil and wraps etc for bridesmaids. I didn't realize how much space you need to plan your own wedding! hehe

Monday, January 29, 2007

Busy Weekend :)

Well it has been a busy few days. A few weeks back my friend Bronwyn and I thought it was time that us girls got a chance to get all dressed up and have some fun, so we organised a girl's night out. On Saturday night eight of us girls gathered at our place for drinks,gossip,games and a bbq. Then we headed into town for some good old dancing and fun. We then finished the night off with hot chocs at Le Cafe. It was heaps of fun to catch up with everyone! Here are a few photos from Saturday, but I'm sure there will be more to come.
We must make the girls night a regular event, maybe a movie night next, we all really want to see "The devil wears Prada"!

Today I have been busy doing the boring jobs one must do, but did get a chance to do some scrapbook shopping and have made up four RAK parcels that will be going in the post tommorrow. For those who don't know what a R.A.K is, (I didn't a few weeks back) it is a Random Act of Kindness, and lots of fun when they are scrapbooking RAK's. It's so nice to do something for someone that's completely unexpected! Well that's about it for me, will probably blog again tomorrow with the layouts of my hen's night I am working on!

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Friday, January 26, 2007

24 things about me

The other day I was reading some blogs and came across this cool questionaire,(thanks Michelle) and thought I would answer it, so here goes.

1. What did you do in 2006 that you’d never done before? Got married!

2.Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for 2007? Yup always to lose weight, and I did lose 7kg in 2006 and am signed back up at Weight Watchers for 12 weeks more! :)

3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Nope

4.Did anyone close to you die?
Thank goodness no!

5. What countries did you visit in 2006?
Surfers Paradise, Australia on our honeymoon.

6. What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006?
A sense of purpose.

7. What would you like to have in 2007 that you lacked in 2006?
24th November, our Wedding day.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? Organizing our wedding and starting to work part time again.

9.What was your biggest failure?
Wow, don't think I had one.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
No, luckily.

11. Whose behavior merited celebration?
Craig's, for being a great help with wedding preparations.

12.Where did most of your money go? Our wedding! but our memories are priceless.

13. What did you get really, really excited about?
Marrying Craig! and our honeymoon.

14.What song will always remind you of 2006? From this moment - Shania Twain, the song we signed the register too.

15. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder? 
b) thinner or fatter? 
c) richer or poorer?
c.about the same

16.What do you wish you’d done more of?
Living today,today instead of always waiting for the future.

17. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Not sure.

21. What was your favorite TV program? So many, Home and Away, Mcleods Daughters,Travel docos (Intrepid journeys etc.) ........

22. What was the best book you read? Not sure, but it would be chick lit, probably by Jane Green.

23. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2006?
To laid back for my liking, working on that :)

24. What kept you sane?
Craig, family and organization.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

January's S.E monthly layout entry

A few weeks ago I came across a website called Scrapbook Essentials, it is so much fun for scrapbookers. They have challenges, galleries and a forum. Anyhow I have worked on this layout for there monthly layout challenge. The theme was "Mermories of Summers, Past and Present" and as this years summer has been fairly non-existent, I found some old photos of my sister and I making sandcastles when we were children. The journalling says "Childhood summers, hours by the sea, building sandcastles, carefree. These are the moments to remember!" I hope you like it. :)

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This was my first layout where rather than scraping an event I simply captured a moment, I love the simplicity of it.

This is a tin that I had lying around, it just called out to be altered. I used papers from the BasicGrey Dasher,Fruitcake and Blitzen ranges. The papers are so easy to work with, I am now working on a Christmas star book, that fits in this tin. Will post photos when it's finished.
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This layout is of about Craig being " The one".
The journalling is the poem called "The One", which was read at our wedding.
I loved the combo of blue and green and the lovely b&w photo.

This is a layout I scraplifted from Creating Keepsakes, I loved the simplicity of it.
It's so important to focus on what you do have, not what you don't.

This is just to capture our New years eve,
I later realised that the journalling should read "New years eve 2006" not 2007 but oh well. hehe

I love this layout as I didn't use any patterned paper in it,
it's all hand cut and punched from Bazzill cardstock.
The bright colours go really well with the crazy hen's night photo! hehe
Many more of these to come, it was more time consuming but so much fun!

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Here are some of my older scrapbook layouts.

This layout was inspired by these beautiful photos I found,
of my Nana in her younger days. She has always been so elegant and I wanted to capture this.

I came up with this layout to showcase all of our Christmas photos for 2005,
the squares with the ribbon is supposed to look like a present.

This was the first layout I used Dimensional Magic on, it works well with the pool theme.
I love the aqua theme with the photos.

I finally got around to scrapbooking a layout about our first flat, although it was difficult choosing which elements of the house to use, I think it came out well.
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Monday, January 22, 2007

The last of the wedding photos for now, these give you a good idea of how fabulous our day was.
We really could not have asked for better!

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I thought it was about time I uploaded some of our Wedding photos,
I think every moment of our day was captured by someone with a camera. :) hehe

My Bridesmaid and me after we had been to the haridressers.
Bubbly and strawberries are must for any special occasion.

Dad and I arriving at the church, I think this is such a lovely photo of us both.

My beautiful sister walking down the aisle, she looked very stunning on the day!

Dad walking me down the aisle, wow what a moment!
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Sunday, January 21, 2007

These photos were up at the Sign of the Bellbird,
they turned out well and the changing sky in the background made for some interesting photos.

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Saturday, January 20, 2007

Thought I would put up some of the great photos taken at my Hen's night back in November, it was one of the best nights, so much FUN! In fact because of the sucess of that night, all of us girls are making it a regular thing, starting with the "Absolutly Fabulous Girl's Night" this coming Saturday. I am sure there will be plenty more photos from that evening.
The day started with my bridesmaids picking me up for a surprise, I was thinking all sorts of things :) but we ended up at Pukeko Junction Cafe at Leithfield for a lovley lunch, then back into Christchurch for coffee and cake at Coffee Culture. mmmm... they have the best cake! but that's a whole other story! hehe
My sister and friends had done a great job, with the usual embrassing but fun games, lot's of great food and music, we all had a hoot!
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Yay! Finally I have gotten my blog up and running with alot of help from my lovely husband Craig. He helped me add the very cool header, that I am very happy with! Anyhow not much to add right now, will no doubt be posting very soon. I hope to get my scrapbook pages uploaded along with some of our beautiful wedding photos really soon. As for now I better get back to our wedding thank you notes. Catch ya.