Sunday, October 21, 2007

Labour Weekend

Gosh I can't believe Labour weekend has come and gone! I seriously don't know where the year is disappearing too! I hope everyone one has had a nice relaxing weekend.

I know I said that there would be some creative photos but I never got around to getting anything done. I looked at loads of scrapbooking magazines and had a little play with my new cuttlebug so I have loads of ideas, I just need to sit done and get on with it. I did however manage to create a Christmas card and tag for the Labour weekend challenge at Scrapbook Essentials but that's all. I hope to create lots this week so do stick around :)

We've had a lazy weekend. After having Craig's car for sale for a month or so, we hadn't had much interest but last week we got a call from a very keen guy and have now sold it. We are a bit sad to see it gone as it has been with us for many years but we have to keep focusing on the new era of our lives. So on Saturday morning we headed out to have a look around the car yards. We've found a nice white Toyota Caldina that suits us fine. We took it out test driving for a few hours yesterday, and it's a dream to drive! We get to pick it up today or tomorrow and I can't wait! We are hoping to do a roadtrip to Dunedin with my sister to try it out, any excuse to go and check out the scrapbook stores! :p

On Saturday night we had my family over for homemade pizza and another game of Cranium. My sister and her fiance were victorious but we were close on there heels :) It's a such a fun game and we will be defiantly up for a re-match.

I worked on Sunday, it was really busy at work so Sunday night we just blobbed and watched some Outrageous Fortune episodes. Craig and I are catching up on season one and two as we only found out how great this series is last year when they played the Christmas tele-movie!

We caught up with some friends for a walk and coffee yesterday down at the beach and went visiting our familys. It has been beautiful sunny weather here but the wind is so strong!

After reading about Debbie's weekend and her Lemon muffins I have decided to go and whip some up. So that's enough from me, catch you soon!


Anonymous said...

Wow, love the new car! I bet you'll be heading off on road trips all the time once you get your hands on it.

Great card & tag as well, it is a great idea to do Christmas things now before it gets too busy!

Anonymous said...

I love the card and tag - they look awesome.

That is just the sort of car we are going to get for me eventually -

So how did the lemon muffins go?